why would they sell :) they shop concession like crazy hahaha. 30 thou, 50 
thou, 125 thou, 350 thou hectares... hajar :D but who knows.

this sector is another big thing in years to come. FDI will flow in no time in 
this sector. back then I already ask who are the emittens in this sector. 
unfortunately not much of a choice. INKP? INRU? ....? ;)

----- Original Message ----
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 9:40:11 AM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] INKP - ada apa yah?

Kata rumput yg bergoyang ada investor persh Amerika mau masuk atau akuisisi pak.
Tapi blm baca di mana mana secara official kabar tsb. So play along aja dng 
hati hati.
Kalu udah punya ya pake Money Management as usual.. sell partially to ensure 
profit and keep the rest letting the profit run.
Itu kata ahli ahli yg ngajarin di milis...


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