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Indonesia's Bumi Resources Q1 coal sales volume falls
14 percent


JAKARTA (Thomson Financial) - Indonesia's biggest coal
company PT Bumi Resources Tbk said on Wednesday its
coal sales volume dropped 14 percent to 12.5 million
tonnes in the first quarter from 14.5 million tonnes a
year earlier.

Sales came only from fresh coal production, while
sales in the comparative year-earlier period had been
boosted by high inventory from the preceding year, the
company said.

Year-end inventory in 2006 stood at a record level of
5 to 6 million tonnes. Of that amount, 3 million
tonnes were sold in the first quarter of 2007. The
figures show that sales from fresh production then
reached only 11. 5 million tonnes.

The average selling price received by the company in
the first quarter of 2008 was $58.34 per tonne,
compared with $41.7 per tonne a year ago.

The first quarter is usually the lowest performing
quarter of any year in terms of sales and prices
because of the impact of rainfall on coal output from
the preceding year.

Bumi expects its coal sales volume to rise to 62
million tonnes this year from 55.4 million tonnes in
2007, with the average selling price expected to
increase to $70 per tonne from $44 per tonne.

Bumi's senior vice president for corporate
communication affairs Dileep Srivastava said the
projected average selling price for the full year
could be higher, depending on the negotiations that
will be held next month with Japanese buyers for the
year to March 2009 contracts.

Sales to Japan normally account for about 25 percent
of total sales, he said.

UDK44-30Apr08 09:36 GMT
--- Forever Apprentice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> oke pak Andi. sukur-sukur kalo nanti ada kenaikan :)
> but what will happen if the result is, again, not
> meet expectation ;) pak TBum wil win kekeke
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Andi Wahyudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 9:15:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] LapQ108 BUMI
> Belum pak..belum gerilya he he..
> Mungkin bener yang disampaikan Kang Ocoy, volume
> penjualan Q1 akan ada banyak kenaikan coz ada dugaan
> late shipment di Q4 2007.
> YoY and QtQ sih kayaknya oke..pan Q4 2007 udah
> "dibikin" merah he he
> Ntar kl saya dapat, saya info deh Pak
> Forever Apprentice <apprentice.forever@>
> wrote:
> Fren, ada yg tahu ancer2 lapkeu Q1 2008 BUMI keluar?
> Pak Andi Wahyudi mungkin tahu ya? tq
> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________
> _________ _
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