*Rei is right. Just follow my direction. ^^ haha.... (i'm just kidding for
God sake..). Jangan salah sangka, Elaine juga trend follower, cuma bedanya
Elaine dapat info lebih dulu dibanding public, that's all. Kalau sudah
waktunya bullish Elaine tidak akan lawan. Financial market is a zero sum
game, Elaine bilang bearish or bullish pasti ada yang protest.

Come on, many times I say this, I'm only sharing things here, whether you
want to buy or sell anything, that is your own freedom. I don't give
specific stock recommendation. I'm not a psychic nor fortune teller.

Ini gara-gara Embah yang tanya prediction Elaine, jadi ramai semua. ^^
Elaine cuma berharap DJIA bisa break 13000 and oil fall to <$110, so Friday
everyone's happy. Nanti Elaine kirim Roasted Duck ke rumah TBummers, masa
dikasih tulang saja, memangnya kucing..? ^^

2008/4/30 Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   Changing your tone again Sir? Thinking you got it all wrong now...
> Udah ah, koq saya jadi iseng sama Pak Tbumi, maaf ya...just follow the
> market's direction, no need to feel we can steer the market
> Safe trading everyone!
> *t_bumi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com <obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com>,
> rudd haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Btw, Pak Tbumi kemana nih..
> >
> > Jangan2 lagi di setrap ama Bozz nya
> > abis udah di kasih bocoran bad news terus menerus, gagal bikin IDX
> merah
> > para retailer nya bandel, malah pada siap ama ember
> >
> > tapi mudah2an Tbumi hari ini belanja, jadi minggu depan , siap
> dengan postingan bulish
> > mode on
> >
> >
> >
> Santai santai saja dan tak perlu tegang mengikuti market. Bila
> rezeki mengalir, tentu bisa cuan dalam kondisi market apapun juga.
> ------------------------------
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