Guys, El bukan ngajak² blanja.. Hanya memberi informasi apa yg dia
lakukan sekarang. Ingat, beliau bukan pawang banteng.
Anyway, posisi macd weekly memang bikin ngiler. Seolah² sdh bottom &
mulai nanjak. Tapi minggu ini pergerakan index msh tertahan weekly
resistance. Pls see attached chart.

Kawan sy ada yg nanya: ngapain kita nampungin barang kalo lagi banyak yg
mau lepas... Gimana kalo tunggu ombaknya naik aja?
(Mungkin modal kecil. Takut terseret ombak.) terlambat sedikit gak apa
lah daripada kena tsunami.  :D

Gimana menurut El?

-----Original Message-----
From: Elaine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] TO ELAINE?

Do you wanna go bearish forever? come on... you have three days to BOW,
or you can say good bye to cheap stocks, but of course you can do your
own stock picks. Forget my 2000 target, technically no more lower low
for the rest of the year, cuz We've been accumulating everytime IDX
shows weakness since April 9th, if you can recall.

Forget about inflation. It happens every year everywhere. No need to get
overly intimidated with it. ^^ We buy low and sell high, that's what we
do, and that's how we make money. We use good news for distribution and
bad news for accumulation. Do you aware there are so many bad news
floating around? On the TV, newspapers, research downgrades, bad 1Q08
results, etc etc...

But again, it's up to you. I'm just sharing what I have to share. For
traders, the volatility is STILL there though, take advantage of it.
(omg I wish I am one), but for longer time frame, it's a good time to
buy/add. But to be fair, I'd have to say this year IDX performance% will
not beat the 2007 superbullish era.


<<attachment: composite weekly-25apr08 s1.PNG>>

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