Lady Bear is leaving us..... welcome IDX 2900 in July!

IDX Analyst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          Please don't go EL, we won't 
miss you..

  On 4/20/08, Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:             Dear all, It's time 
for me to say goodbye to all member and moderator of OB. My time's up and since 
I don't have anything else to share then I guess I have to leave now. I'm sorry 
if I have caused some trouble here, please take my sincere apology. When IDX 
does drop to 2000, don't forget to send me email.. j/k ...^^

Thank you, you're all the best, 'cept one loser... lol Good luck, and May God 
Bless Us All. Many thanks to Embah, please guide these kids to the right path :)

Sincerely yours,

Elaine Sui



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