NO!!! We want 1750-2000, ASAP!!! 


Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             I am so pissed 
with this. But Elaine ikut senang jika ada yang gain a lot bersama Elaine waktu 
accumulate at April 9th (this month BOTTOM.. so far, April 10th IDX opened 
lower but for a very short time). Good for you. Even better for me :) 
At that time, there are stocks that already met my targets, that's why I've 
been accumulating those so far. Yang belum dapat barang, just relax, take it 
easy, there are still plenty of waves coming ahead, usually most traders like 
to take advantage of this situation. If the prices jump up too fast, I'll have 
to put some weight on them, since the accumulation process is still going. If 
the prices drop too fast, then, you know, I will accumulate again.
Don't wait for me, I only share what I have to share. IDX still CAN be brought 
down again especially when crude oil reaches the psychological limit of $120, 
you will know how the market will respond, and you will love it when it does 
happen. Just use any charting tools to get the best entry/exit point.
2000? It's still feasible, my accumulation range is 1900-2300.

Well well well, seems that SOMEONE (or more) doesn't like me being here, either 
by bashing me when I'm not around, spoofing my email, tracing my IP , 
provoking, flaming, sending hate mail..whatever... what a shame...

2008/4/17 jsx_consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
  Kalo ucapan Elaine tsb ditujukan pada anda, pasti saat ini
 EL sudah di BAN.....
 --- In, Marina Utama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Embah,
 >   Untuk meningkatkan kualitas OB itu sendiri, baru-baru ini embah
 membuat peraturan agar tidak terlalu banyak posting yang tak
 berkualitas, akan tetapi juga tolong diperhatikan jangan ada caci maki
 terutama kata-kata KASAR, karena kita sebagai member OB ingin belajar
 satu sama lain, bagaimana bisa belajar dengan baik kalo isi postingnya
 banyak kata-kata kasar, sebaiknya juga diberlakukan penalty bagi
 siapapun yg posting dengan kata-kata kasar
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