Sorry Mbah OOT dikit ya...

Para sekuritas yang terhormat,

Coba deh ikutin thread ini. Keren nih buat layanan ke Customer.
Saya pengguna Amibroker. Dan saya mulai mengenal sedikit demi sedikit
Amibroker ini. Bahkan saya bentar lagi punya trading system sendiri di
Amibroker ... cihuy.... Kalau Amibroker bisa download langsung data
(intraday data, wow keren banget) dari server Anda, keren banget deh.
Pasti customer tambah puas dan sayang hehehe....Terkhusus untuk
EzyDeal yang masih di-develop mungkin dan juga SP.

Terima kasih

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Octavian Rasnita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 12:25 PM
Subject: [amibroker] downloading quotes from a remote custom source


 I am a new member of this list, and I couldn't find an answer to my question

 I work for a brokerage company and I want to be able to offer our clients
 the possibility of downloading the quotes from us as easy as possible.

 I am interested in offering the end of day and intraday quotes because the
 quotes from the stock exchange from my country are not offered by other
 sites like Yahoo.

 I know that Amibroker can be set to use a certain proxy server, and that I
 can put that server to serve the data, but I don't know in which format to
 offer it.

 Thank you for any information and tips about how to do that.


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