Don't forget Mr Oen coz he already mentioned that last year

Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             
I was confused with Embah' strategy, not with the  market. But I forgot he, 
like many of members here, is a daytrader, bullish or  bearish is not the main 
issue. Like Halim said, traders take advantage of price  volatility.
  2000, yep that's my target. I am very confident with that. And  don't call me 
a terrorist..... well ok I'am terrorist.. lol.. I'll nuke IDX back  to stone 
age... ^^ ( I guess I'm the only one who can say that here hihi...)

On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 9:26 PM, boyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
           Don't get confused, El...
Udah, besok kamu belanja aja bareng sama mBah & kita-kita, 
gak usah nunggu 2000.

What do you think? 


--- In, Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *Embah sebetulnya bullish or bearish? They're confused. I AM confused. Let's 
> say for the next 3 months.... **mohon pencerahanya ^^*
> **
> *Elaine

> *


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