Thank you , Elaine for your kindness to depressed people.

BTW,  Indonesianya bagus juga.

----- Pesan Asli ----
Dari: Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Terkirim: Rabu, 2 April, 2008 20:54:16
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mengapa Harus Menyalahkan hasil PREDIKSI ORANG 

                Banyak trader depressed with the market, harus ada penyaluran 
agar tidak gila. Ini Elaine kasih artikel bagus sekali, boleh baca.

The Psychology of Blame
http://www.mvesc. psychology/ PsychBulletins/ 11_90.htm
People have a tendency 
  to find someone to blame when bad things happen. This behavior is certainly   
very prevalent and easy to observe in children. The burgeoning personal 
liability   business in our country attests to the pervasiveness of this 
tendency among   adults as well.
Psychological theory 
  and research examining this observed human behavior is quite complicated and 
  incomplete.  There is some empirical data emerging to explain why people 
  blame others but for the most part much of our understanding is based on 
  and speculation. The authors cited below have developed a theory of blame 
  prediction based on several situational and personal characteristics.
There are four situational   factors that affect the likelihood that 
other-blame will occur. The presence 
  of another at the time of the event increases the probability of that person 
  being blamed. This is why surgeons and obstetricians seem to be blamed much   
more frequently than general practitioners.  The former are more likely 
  to be there when a bad event occurs while the latter deal with insidious or 
  chronic problems that have no discrete starting point.  In education, it   is 
more likely, for example, that a teacher who retains a student will be blamed   
for the student's academic difficulties even ten years later despite the fact   
that the problems were there long before the event and continued afterwards.
Saat ada orang bicara bearish (aka bad news/contrarian) , seringkali di serang, 
dan semakin diserah saat benar terjadi.
Another factor is   the perceived knowledge or authority of the other person. 
  who are knowledgeable are expected to anticipate negative outcomes and avoid 
"Seniors" di anggap bagai savior like Jesus. No, they aren't. They also want to 
make money like all of us.

A third factor is   how well known the other person is to the victim.  If the 
victim knows   the other person well, blame is less likely to result.  An 
example of this   is the greater likelihood of one driver suing another for an 
accident. They   are usually strangers.  It is much less common for an injured 
passenger   to sue the driver of the car he or she was I since they are more 
likely to know   each other.
OB lebih kenal Oentoeng/TBumi daripada Elaine, walau kami bicara hal yang sama, 
Elaine probability diserang lebih besar.

Finally, the more 
  severe the outcome of the event, the more likely someone will be blamed.    
When two students argue in class, teachers are not usually concerned with who   
is to blame.  In contrast, when two students fight on the playground and   one 
is injured, it is more likely that some effort will be expended to determine   
who was to blame.
Orang yang bicara bearish saat market at the top akan di blame seakan dia yang 
sebabkan market crash.

There are also two 
  personal factors that are related to the likelihood that other-blame will 
  One is the person's ability to find the good or benefit in a bad situation. 
  This ability is characterized by statements such as "Maybe it is for the 
  better," and "Some good may come out of this."  Similarly, 
  people who tend to make downward comparisons (e.g., "I am fortunate for 
  what I have.  Others have lost so much more.") are less likely to 
  blame others.
Be grateful with everything.

The other factor 
  is the person's attributional style.  Some people tend to find fault with 
  others in many situations regardless of the circumstances.  Every teacher 
  has run across at least one such parent.  No matter how illogical the 
  some people cling to the need to blame others for everything bad that 
  In contrast, other people have an attributional style which leads to a 
  to blame themselves no matter how obviously blameworthy someone else is.
In any given situation, 
  an analysis of the interplay of these factors can lead to a better 
  of when and why other-blame takes place.
Better understanding = better OB.


2008/4/2 SamrocK <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>:
Bingung juga sama member di milist ini. Kok ada yah orang yang menjatuhkan 
orang laen hanya karena prediksinya salah?

Ya biarin aja lah. Namanya juga PREDIKSI. Boleh salah kan?!. Terus kenapa ada 
yang sewot?
Kalo temen-temen memang pinter ya analisa sendiri lah.  Ngapain juga percaya 
sama analisa orang.  Analisa dan prediksi orang jadikan referensi saja. Jadi 
kalaupun salah, nggak perlu menyalahkan orang lain. Karena semua keputusan ada 
ditangan anda semua.


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