PRESS RELEASE:S&P Places Bank Internasional Indonesia Rtg On Watch Pos


     The following is a press release from Standard & Poor's:   

SINGAPORE (Standard & Poor's) March 28, 2008--Standard & Poor'sRatings Services 
today placed all its ratings on PT Bank InternasionalIndonesia Tbk (BII), 
including its 'B+' long-term and 'B' short-termcounterparty credit ratings, on 
CreditWatch with positive implications.This comes after the announcement that 
Malaysia's Malayan Banking Bhd.(Maybank, A-/Positive/A-2) is to acquire a 
controlling stake of 56% inBII for US$1.5 billion and would launch a tender 
offer for theremaining 44% for about US$1.2 billion. 

 This action impliesthat there is at least a 50% chance of the ratings on BII 
being raisedwithin 90 days in the likely event that Maybank assumes 
substantialownership and management control of BII. Standard & Poor's 
expectsBII to become a significant entity of the Maybank Group as Indonesiawill 
become Maybank's second-largest overseas presence, afterSingapore. We will 
continue to monitor the situation closely and havediscussions with Maybank. 
Standard & Poor's expects to resolve thisCreditWatch within 90 days. 

 Complete ratings information isavailable to subscribers of RatingsDirect, the 
real-time Web-basedsource for Standard & Poor's credit ratings, research, and 
riskanalysis, at All ratings affected by this 
ratingaction can be found on Standard & Poor's public Web site; select your preferred country or region, 
thenRatings in the left navigation bar, followed by Credit Ratings Search. 

 Primary Credit Analyst: Ivy Tan, Singapore (65) 6239-6393; 

                [EMAIL PROTECTED] Secondary Credit Analyst:  Ritesh Maheshwari, 
Singapore (65) 6239-6308; 

                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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Services ") are the result of separate activities designed topreserve the 
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or make any other investment decisions.Accordingly, any user of the information 
contained herein should notrely on any credit rating or other opinion contained 
herein in makingany investment decision. Ratings are based on information 
received byRatings Services. Other divisions of Standard & Poor's may 
haveinformation that is not available to Ratings Services. Standard &Poor's has 
established policies and procedures to maintain theconfidentiality of 
non-public information received during the ratingsprocess. 

 Ratings Services receives compensation for itsratings. Such compensation is 
normally paid either by the issuers ofsuch securities or third parties 
participating in marketing thesecurities. While Standard & Poor's reserves the 
right todisseminate the rating, it receives no payment for doing so, except 
forsubscriptions to its publications. Additional information about ourratings 
fees is available at 

 Copyright (c) 2008, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services   

 (END) Dow Jones Newswires

 March 28, 2008 00:32 ET (04:32 GMT)- - 12 32 AM EDT 03-28-08  

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