kenalin dong Pak Aria :) kekeke kalo ngekor DOW, besok LIKELY merah deh, dan besok mustinya TP time coz it's Friday kalo mau convince orang utk percaya udah bullish time, ya besok MUSTI ijo lagi ;) udah tanggung dong udah 3 hari ijo :)
kalo ngeliat tadi sore (15:30 up) pada balapan belanja di bbrp saham BC... mustinya besok ada chance ijo. that "balapan" really confuse me, is it "laporan keuangan" effect? TINS, PGAS, INCO among others ----- Original Message ---- From: Aria Bela Nusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 4:42:29 PM Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Kiss Embah El..... :} But - what'd been happened - if tomorrow all is greens I know someone here - who could predict the indices for three days in a row [with accuracy significantly i.e.> 95 %) Happy chuan, Aria > french kiss donk hehehe > > > > --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, "jsx_consultant" > <jsx-consultant@ ...> wrote: >> >> IHSG close +10... EL win the first round.... >> >> pak Boyz, >> >> Besok kalo IHSG -20, JANGAN makan jengkol yah, biar >> engga terasa ... hehehe... >> >> > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.