panik...toh berita2 itu tidak mengejutkan lagi...kan emg US msh tiap data ekonomi yg kluar psti msh jelek...ASIA n IDX harus tetep ijo..asal ga ada aksi yg aneh2 aja...
Charles Atmaja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Waduh... Asia lagi mulai ijo... di bloomberg malah keluar banyak news jelek nih... kacau dah... jadi takut... :) 1. Wallstreet eliminate 34000 jobs, most since dotcom 2001 2. Goldman, Citi Get Fees for Failed New York Auction-Rate Bonds ==> ga ngerti nih... ini bad ato good ya? 3. U.S. Home Resales Probably Fell as Prices Slid, Credit Shrank ==> lowest level in at least nine years Aduh... gimana si.... --------------------------------- Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. --------------------------------- Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.