Maka itu kan dari dulu ada peribahasa "Tong kosong bunyinya nyaring"...kayak 

indra zen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
agree with u mr fred... i just wonder how many big player really as member of 
this mailing list? i doubt that people with IDR 20 billion will wasting time 
with joining OB... my mentor trade with IDR 50 billion (his own money) and he 
never act like a jenggo with napalm bomb on his shoulder and ready to drop 
of... its a pleasure to being warn....but just dont act like god who knows 
--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Frederick Schubert
<pemainbesar@ ...> wrote:
> sorry...
> but reading your posting has really inspired my curiousity.. .
> how come a person like you who only trades less than IDR1 billion
a day could say that u could bomb my equity...?
> come radar never gets you in or out...even..
> today (Monday), most selling was executed by CS on notes from its
research team that the Philippines market is more attractive after
falling 15% so far this year and ask to reduce Indonesian shares, in
this case is Bumi... Overall, CS is now making its biggest gamble of
investment by recommending a politically unstable philippine which
will in coming days may be jolted by series of street demonstrations
to oust Arroyo (GMA)...
> peace...and am just enjoying this TEMPORARY bearish trend for my
fund-consortium' s buying program.... waiting for the next stop at 2610
before another take off.... 
> Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .> wrote:
> Somehow I got banned.. lol, that's a nice way to say thanks. After
all, I was just passing by. Well, I guess I'm not welcome here so,
good luck and thank you. I won't come back, don't worry bout that... 
> Hopefully no one was hurt because of me...
> Elaine
> ------------ --------- --------- ---
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