Waduh gua ko dibawa-bawa.., masak sih gw attacking EL..?, ya sdh maap deh kalo gitu , masak gitu aja marah sih EL?
Ok.., gini lo EL.., saya ngga terganggu anda mo bilang indeks bakal ke 2000 kek, 1000 kek, atau even deeper , wong saya trading harian and mingguan ko , so why should I worry? Masalahnya anda suka ngaku-ngaku kalo indeks jeblok itu karena ANDA ., jelas-jelas index drop karena apa kita tau semua , come on EL.., anda insulting my intelligence dan itu bikin saya bereaksi thd posting anda. Liat tuh kalimat anda dibawah.., I will destroy bla..bla..bla, emangnya anda siapa???.. Itu yg bikin saya "terhina" , kalo orang betawi bilang.., emangnye gw bego ape ? Kalo anda mau bantu temen2 disini ya kasih penjelasan dong kenapa indeks bakal ke 2000 , apa dasarnya? dan gimana menyiasatinya? I personally juga don't give a shit lah index mau ke berapa, karena selain there is nothing I can do about it , saya juga bukan investor..., as long as bursa tetep buka, there is always plenty of opportunity there.. Anyway, maap deh kalo ada salah-salah kata , jgn ngambek gitu dong , pis ya > > > This is the original message which made me banned. Some people attacked me FIRST by calling me a joke and exploiting my mistakes! > > I started politely and was nowhere being offensive, I even called them as friends. Since when suggesting ppl to watch tv and read newspaper are considered offensive? > > People like boyz, jsxtrader and andrew should be banned as well. They obviously attacked and provoked me first. > > Now I know some people just can't take it. FINE. > > I will LITERALLY destroy IDX... I swear I WILL. Mark my word, I will put IHSG to stone age back to 2000 level and it will stay there for a long time!!! > > Personally, i don't give a shit.. lol.. like they could help me in any way. Take care of yourselves. I did beat their estimations, is it too hard for them to admit... > > Enjoy the show. :) > > EL >