Iya tuch.... anaknya cakep bgt... mukanya juga kontras ama muka emaknya... apa babenya cakep bgt ya?? jual beli anak kyknya makin marak dech.... prihatin gw... cuma gw gak berbuat apa2... ya sudah dech
2008/2/29, Handoyo Gozali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > > > > * *----- Forwarded Message ---- > From: Devi Kartika Sari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: mia sutanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; mia sutanto < > [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 11:37:21 > Subject: Fw: Kalau memang perlu, tolong diforward > > > Dear all, > > 2 hari belakangan gue lewat jembatan penyebrangan di jalan Sudirman (depan > bank Muamalat, daerah duku atas), dan gue tertarik dengan ibu2 yang sedang > mengemis dengan seorang anak kecil. Yang menarik, anak kecilnya sangat > cantik, tidak seperti layaknya anak jalanan lainnya. Karena penasaran, hari > ke-2 gue tanya ke ibunya. Dia sih mengaku kalau anak itu adalah anaknya, > namanya Melinda, umur 11 bulan. Dia juga punya anak lagi laki2 umur 2 tahun, > dan perempuan sudah SMP. Bapaknya katanya pergi meninggalkan keluarga. > > Dalam hati jd wondering aja, apakah benar Melinda adalah anaknya or karena > diculik. Bukan maksudnya mau nuduh orang, just pure wondering. Krn wondering > itulah, mknya gue kirim email ke kalian, jika kalian merasa perlu untuk > diforward, please do so. Gue attach foto Melinda dan 'ibu'nya. Gue hanya > membayangkan, bagaimana memang jika di luar sanaada orang tua yang sedang > mencari2 anaknya yang hilang. Kalau memang gue yang kehilangan anak, pasti > gue akan butuh bantuan dari siapapun untuk memberikan informasi apapun yg > dapat membantu. > > Jika email ini mengganggu kalian, gue minta maap yah... > > > Lolla > > > > > > > > > > ******************* PLEASE NOTE ******************* > This message, along with any attachments, may be confidential or legally > privileged. It is intended only for the named person(s), who is/are the > only authorized recipients. If this message has reached you in error, kindly > destroy it without review and notify the sender immediately. Thank you for > your help. > ********************************************************** This email > and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are > not the addressee, do not disclose, copy, circulate or in any other way use > or rely on the information contained in this email or any attachments. If > received in error, notify the sender immediately and delete this email and > any attachments from your system. Emails cannot be guaranteed to be secure > or error free as the message and any attachments could be intercepted, > corrupted, lost, delayed, incomplete or amended. Standard Chartered PLC and > its subsidiaries do not accept liability for damage caused by this email or > any attachments and may monitor email traffic. > > > > Standard Chartered PLC is incorporated in England with limited liability > under company number 966425 and has its registered office at 1 Aldermanbury > Square, London, EC2V 7SB. > > > > Standard Chartered Bank ('SCB') is incorporated in England with limited > liability by Royal Charter 1853, under reference ZC18. The Principal Office > of SCB is situated in England at 1 Aldermanbury Square, London EC2V 7SB. In > the United Kingdom, SCB is authorised and regulated by the Financial > Services Authority under FSA register number 114276. > > > > If you are receiving this email from SCB outside the UK, please click > http://www.standardchartered.com/global/email_disclaimer.html to refer to > the information on other jurisdictions. > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > The information contained in this communication is intended solely for the > use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and others > authorized to receive it. It may contain confidential or legally > privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient you are > hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any > action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly > prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in > error, please notify us immediately by responding to this email and then > delete it from your system. Ernst & Young is neither liable for the proper > and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication > nor for any delay in its receipt. > > ------------------------------ > Get your free suite of Windows Live services! Windows > Live<http://www.get.live.com/wl/all> > > > > -- http://www.vividtrader.blogspot.com