besok merah lagi dunkzzz.....   aku belom belanja sich...... tapi emang
inflasi musti dikorbanin klo udah resesi gini....

2008/2/20, bernanke20551 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>   Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Consumer prices in the U.S. rose more than
> forecast in January, indicating that the slowing American economy
> hasn't alleviated inflation pressures.
> The 0.4 percent increase in the cost of living matched the gain in
> December, the Labor Department said today in Washington. Excluding
> food and energy, prices rose 0.3 percent, after a 0.2 percent climb a
> month earlier, leading the so-called core rate to the biggest
> increase since June 2006.
> A jump in food and energy costs, rents and clothing prices led the
> index higher last month. The report underscores that Federal Reserve
> policy makers can't set aside inflation concerns as they weigh more
> interest-rate cuts to prevent a recession.
> news?pid=20601087&sid=a8REwbs80L08&refer=home


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