World News Update 12 Feb 08 07.30 WIB by Boby Galih 12 Feb 08 Index Dow : naik Dax : turun IHSG : 2589 ( Penutupan kemarin )
Currencies Euro : 1.4501 Yen : 106.33 Rupiah : 9278 Commodity Oil : 93.52 Gold : 925 Related News Today US Saham - saham di US mengalami kenaikan di ikuti naiknya energy terutama Oil. Dow dibuka menguat Jepang - Japanese stocks dropped after the Group of Seven estimated financial institutions around the world face $400 billion of writedowns on U.S. subprime-linked securities and that the U.S. economy may decelerate further. Indonesia - IHSG kemarin di tutup melemah pada posisi 2589. pelemahan bursa ini di akibatkan investor mulai cemas terhadap ke tidakpastian ekonomi global, saham - saham yang banyak di lepas investor adalah saham tambang dan infrastruktur. - - Pagi ini diperkirakan IHSG akan naik karena pembukaan dow jones naik .Nikkei di buka naik Currencies + Rupiah - Rupiah mulai memasuki trend melemah sampai akhir bulan February 08. sekarang posisi rupiah di sekitar 9278 - Mata uang Asia lainnya yang melemah terhadap dolar AS adalah, rupee India turun 0,2%, won Korea turun 0,44%, peso Filipina turun 1,01%, dolar Singapura melemah 0,04%, dolar Taiwan melemah 0,01%. + Euro - Turun sedikit terhadap dolar di karenakan tingkat kepercayaan investor menurun kepada saham di eropa terutama pada negara Jerman + Yen - kembali menguat di posisi 106.33 . Penguatan mata uang ini di karenakan "financial market turmoil spurs investors to reduce holdings of higher-yielding assets financed in Japan " - Menguatnya mata uang di jepang mengakibatkan investor mulai kembali melakukan carry trades Commodity + Gold - Harga emas naik dikarenakan naiknya tingkat inflasi yang mulai terjadi di beberapa negara + Oil - Crude oil was little changed near a one-month high after Valero Energy Corp. shut a refinery because of a storm-related power failure and as cold weather moved across the northern U.S info lebih lanjut mengenai reksadana dalam dan luar negeri dengan untung tinggi, Bisa langsung menghubungi saya di : Boby GaLih Direct . 021 - 3820080 , 99334479 Mobile. 0859 2500 9600 E-mail. [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message (including any attachments) is confidential and may be privileged. If you have received it by mistake please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorised use or dissemination of this message in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Please note that e-mails are susceptible to change. ABN AMRO Bank N.V, which has its seat at Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and is registered in the Commercial Register under number 33002587, including its group companies, shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (or its group companies) does not guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that this communication is free of viruses, interceptions or interference. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------