LONDON, Jan 22 (Reuters) - European shares swung wildly in morning trade on Tuesday and traded 0.8 percent lower after turning briefly positive on market talk of central bank interest rate cuts.
At 0914 GMT, the FTSEurofirst 300 index of top European shares was down 0.8 percent at 1,269.66 points, having fallen as much as 4.4 percent earlier in the session and then risen almost 0.5 percent as the rate talk swirled. "Theres's rumours about concerted rate cuts... they're talking about the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of England and the SNB all cutting rates," a trader said. Traders in Paris cited market talk of a rate cut of between 75 to 100 basis points from the U.S. Federal Reserve. (Reporting by Sitaraman Shankar, Blaise Robinson, Rebekah Curtis and Michael Taylor) _____ From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jsx_consultant Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:18 PM To: Subject: [obrolan-bandar] SERBU BEI !!!! ......Re: Inggris sedikit lagi PLUS ( Closing IHSG -191...(2294) phew.... Index Inggris udah POSITIF... Kemarin pada posting GLOBAL SCENARIO (yg ternyata salah) ada tulisan embah: DJI bisa dibikin positif hari ini jika bursa Eropa plus atau AT LEAST jangan ambrol kaya IHSG lah... Yah siapa tau DJI entar malem PLUS supaya besok IHSG open +100... Kalo embah salah, anggap aja embah udah bisa bikin anda: - TIDUR DENGAN LELAP tanpa stress... Prediksi embah: - TODAY'S LOW = THIS MONTH'S LOW (2229) masih embah kantongin... Jika Eropa + DJI entar malem BENER PLUS, GLOBAL SCENARIO adalah PENYELAMATAN INDEX AMERIKA oleh FM AMERIKA !!! mungkin lewat tangan SOROS atau yg lainnya... GIMANA CARANYA ?. Kalo barat plus entar malem, maka Regional ASIA dll lainnya akan PLUS juga besok dan INI akan mendorong Amerika lagi besok malem. Index ASIA yg jatuh dalam, akan MUDAH di REBOUNDKAN TINGGI SEKALI karena barang yg dibagi cuman SIKIT !!! RALLY akan berjalan terus berhari hari karena ini sudah SUPER LOW PIG EXTREME ampe penurunan suku bunga FED pada puncaknya.. LOGIS dong... rite ?. Mudah mudahan tulisan embah bisa bikin tidur ANDA nyenyak dan MIMPI enak.... Kecap cap embah... renyah yah...hehehe.... ########################################### This message has been scanned by F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange. For more information, connect to