Mungkin pindah ke emerging market? Wih, BEI kecipratan 10% aja udah lumayan... Ayo dipilih, dipilih kita banyak barang bagus nih, tapi BOZZ udah pasang harga tinggi.. heheh...
Regards, DE Investors Pulling Billions Out Of ETFs January 11, 2008 by Tom Lydon [image: 444759561]<> January is the time for the State of the Union address; what about the state of the exchange traded funds (ETFs)? That state so far appears to be, in a word, rocky. Bob Pisani for Trader Talk <> has a few points about ETFs and investments. He notes that TrimTabs shows investors pulled out $10 billion from U.S. equity funds over the first four trading days of 2008. An additional $12.1 billion was taken out of ETFs specifically. Compare this to last May when $8.4 billion was pulled out - that's the total for the whole month. In the first four days of 2008, $22.1 billion was taken out. Ouch. All sorts of technical signals are going off. Richard Russell at Dow Theory Letter said to Pisani that a bear market is confirmed, as the Dow Industrials broke below November 21 lows.