Dear sobat OB, Bener tetua OB bilang kalo beliau collect di 3300. Saya baru beli 3750 pas waktu BI rate cut. Sudah diaverage down sampai 3375. Jadi saya nunggu kapan naiknya ke 4000 ?? Khan NPL BMRI juga turun terus ? Masa nunggu BMRI beli AXA mandiri ? Mohon komentar dari para sobat OB nih..
INDONESIA'S BANK MANDIRI WANTS TO TAKE CONTROL OF AXA MANDIRI Monday, January 07, 2008; Posted: 01:11 AM JAKARTA, Jan 07, 2008 (AsiaPulse via COMTEX) -- AXA | news | PowerRating | PR Charts -- Indonesia's largest lender PT Bank Mandiri (JSX:BMRI) said it wants to take control of PT AXA Mandiri Financial Services (AMFS) by increasing its 49 per cent stake in that mutual fund subsidiary. The majority stake of 51 per cent of AMFS is now owned by AXA Pacific Holdings through National Mutual Fund Pty Ltd. Negotiation is now in progress with AXA Pacific on a proposal of Bank Mandiri to increase its stake to at least 51 per cent, a director of the state bank Bambang Setiawan told the newspaper Investor Daily last weekend. AMFS was established in 2003 by the two shareholders and has expanded rapidly over the past years. In the first half of 2007 it recorded Rp745 billion (US$78.97 million) in premium or an increase of 256 per cent from the same period in the previous year. --- In, Dhani Rivaldi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Seandainya... BMRI punya default debitur yang tidak/ belum (masih bisa dipoles gitu...) dideclare default untuk year 2007 lebih dari 300 mio USD. Pengaruh tidak dalam kedepannya? Mohon pencerahan. >