mungkin cocok-nya pakai theory SAOS ... eh Theory CHAOS mbah .... yg pernah kita bahas tahun kemarin tentang buku-nya om Bill William PhD ...
salam, ----- Original Message ---- From: jsx_consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Monday, 7 January 2008 12:00:16 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Regional rontok Inilah yang pak DE bilang: - Market is always RIGHT and - Has the RIGHT to be STUPID. Embah suka banget tulisan pak DE ini... Investor TIDAK bisa memprediksi kapan market akan RIGHT atau akan GOBLOK... We only foLlow this PIG with SANITY in our own mind (MARKETWISE) Mungkin definsi marketwise adalah sbb: - MARKETWISE= Market sanity in our mind to undestand this Foolish market Tapi definisi sepertinya belum terlalu tepat. __________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Singapore Answers Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you know at