Hi Mbah dan moderator, Hi... saya baru mulai melihat-lihat market lagi dan baru mulai baca2 postingan lagi, setelah absen hampir 1 tahun. Saya agak terkejut juga ternyata sekarang ini milis OB tercinta ini makin seru & makin heboh. Atmospherenya beda jauh banget dengan 1 tahun yang lalu. Hi..hi..hi... berarti saya absennya dari market udah kelamaan.
Busyet deh, inggris-inggrisan semua, canggih2. Saya sampai kalang kabut buka2 kamus. Itu kamus sampai pada sobek jadinya. Hi...hi....hi...... Saya pengen ikutan posting, jadi minder. Tapi kepengen ikutan posting nih, jadi saya nekad aja deh. Anyway, just want to express my humble opinion but, before going any further I must say, I am sorry to disturb your enjoyment of slandering each other and at the same time trying to make ourselves looks a lot smarter than all readers of this mailing list and implicitly trying to make ourselves looks very professional. All the rude words and brutal language which I rarely seen a year ago have become daily breakfast, lunch and dinner even supper. Milis OB, was a very reputable, well respected mailing list. All TRUE professionals & FM has put this mailing list in their compulsory job desc. The best part was that when all the TRUE professional share their expertise to everyone in this mailing list and sincerely advise/inform what he/she knows on the subject that was being discussed. At the other time, they also fighting with each other for their opinion; for their different perspective; for what they believe; for the faith of their knowledge, ELEGANTLY. It was really high quality argument and comment, it was really an amazingly unique education for which you surely cannot find in any school at all in this universe. Now, it's totally different; the impression that radiate is contradictory and the atmosphere that sparks is surprisingly unpleasant. Well... at least those are how I feel or may be it is just me that fail to understand the "most up-to-date way of expressing opinion". Well... here are my stupid opinion : 1. Everyone here has absolute right of expressing her/his opinion, thought, perception, prediction, advise, comment etc about the stock market with every other details of its rumors or facts that attached to it or anything else including all its related product incl. this milis, data, news, software etc. 2. Please respect other's opinion no matter how stupid it sound according to your smart brain. Please bear in mind that the opinions that you express which you think the smartest idea are surely looks stupid to some other readers. 3. If the recommendation or prediction shared by someone which is "otherwise" to what are yours, remember point no. 1 above; you are always welcome to express your own prediction or recommendation & comment. 4. The most important thing is that you are free to take those recommendations into consideration or even into action, which however, you are also free to not to trust those recommendation and/or you can simply just ignore them or even delete them and I give you my word that you will not be sued or jailed for doing so. Honestly, this best, prestigious, respectable and benchmark of milis amongst all other similar milis, looks like, a 'circumstance where a bounce of preman-preman pasar fighting, humiliating', brought onto milis. It is really a great loss to this milis that so many TRUE professional & expert have left this milis unpleasantly. Mr. FS, Vibby, Eyang, samsudes, Jonni Amin CFA, busur are just a few names that has really deeply disappointed by these "otherwise-thankful-noble" treatment. HAVE YOU SEEN ANY GOOD, PROFESSIONAL, OBJECTIVE, SINCERE, HELPFUL AND EDUCATING and "GRATIS", RECOMMENDATION AND COMMENTS LATELY? Ha...ha....ha..... NO, Right? Haven't you realize what you have lost? This Millis used to be a Club-House full of helpful, sincere, caring and best professional available in this country, Now, it become "Slum Area-full of preman" demonstrating his/her skill of humiliating, abusing, underestimating others to just show his/her existence. The more damages, injuries and harm done to someone's feeling and personality whom is attacked/humiliated/abuse, the more the attacker feel that he/she is better & smarter than everyone else. Anyway, those are just my opinion and again, as stipulated in point # 1 above; I have the absolute right to express my opinion. I sincerely apologize for any uncomforting atmosphere and unpleasant effect it may have caused by the above, no offensive purpose is intended. Hi...hi...hi.... enggak tauk deh tuh artinya apaan? Saya juga jadi kepengen GAYA-GAYAAN ah.... Biarpun Bahasanya kacau, berantakan yang penting kan kelihatan GAYA. hi...hi...hi....... Awas lo..., enggak boleh diprotes ya bahasa & gramatikanya .....!!! Namanya juga lagi pengen SOK-SOK-an. Salam, Absen lagi aja ah....................