LME nickel soared some 7% to a 5-week high of $29,125 a metric ton, while LME  
zinc hit a one-month high of $2,575/ton, up nearly 5% on the day. Other metals  
were similarly buoyant, with LME copper closing out the day up 3.2%, aluminum 
up  2.7% and tin and lead up 2%. 
 The start of the new year has brought a fresh wave of investment into the  
commodities sector, traders said, followed by those trading on the momentum.  
Also, portfolio and index rebalancing has played a part. Rebalancing of indexes 
 such as the Dow Jones AIG Commodity Index, which occurs on the 5th-10th 
business  day of January, are largely expected to favor nickel, zinc and 
aluminum, the  under performers of 2008 and also some of the best performers in 
trade Thursday.  
 "(It's) all related to (commodity index) re-weightings,"said a London-based  
trader. "There is a significant amount of nickel to be bought and it is all  
basis the LME closing price," he said. 

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