Saya masih baru bener di sini. Udah bbrp minggu pasif akhirnya mutusin register. Yg bikin saya putusin mau register krn great postings from these guys: 1. DE ( keep on watching what Google do my friend :D ) 2. Pak TBumi, sayang diminta tolong ngasih tahu cara ngitung valuation ANTM gak reply nih Pak :D. Selama blom tahu fair value saya gak akan comfortable beli ANTM, mending beli TINS (kalo udah mbalik resistance 25rb an nyampe 30rb mah merem, could be the next INCO for 2008 - this is our consensus) - what say you Pak? 3. bung JSX the trading expert, cuman otak saya agak lambat nih kalo soal bandarmology :D jadi pasti ngerecokin terus dgn tanya sana sini
----- Original Message ---- From: Mo_Cuan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 2:03:02 PM Subject: Re: Balasan: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SIAPA YG TERBAIK DGN POSTING NEWS DI TAHUN 2007 ? 1. Kang Ocoy (tepuk tangan dong kang...) 2. Pak DE ( siip pak DE terus posting yah) 3. Mbah (maaf mbah nomer 3) 4. LCY,BK,Ratu Sima, bandar Sedang, Tbumi, Pak Eka, Pak Oentoeng.Pedagang Kentang dkk-nya yang suka ngirim postingan. +++mo cuan silahkan pilih ikut siapa aja+++ --- farhan zailani <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote: > saya pilih: ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. com/r/hs ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.