iya bu guru.. hihihihihi
mbakyu ngajar di EF mana?
waaaahh pak budi bisa tambah sayang neehh..
huehehehe bercanda yah temanzzz..

On 12/12/07, RATU SIMA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Mr. Sujana Budiana yang baik dan nyantai,
> Here is the difference in detail:
> I am out = present continuous tense.
> I have out = present perfect tense.
> The verb = go out.
> In informal/colloquial language = shortened into I have out. Fully = I
> have gone out.
> Maklum, ABG gitu loh...
> But your heart looks like ABG, too.
> Uhm, age matter is in the heart Mr. SB. He he ... EQP (Emang Qite Pikirin)
> Target ANTM relaxed lah... up to 19 try first.
> Love,
> Aimee

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