Red is coming prematurely, TODAY not Dec 14.
Fed cut will be celebrated with butcheries @BEJ, unless Bandar decided the
other way.
>there will be BLOOD on the street
>Bandar Sedang

On Dec 11, 2007 9:53 AM, RATU SIMA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    Sorry interrupting,
> I view next 14 December as a USUAL TRADING DAY.
> The session II still may prone to profit-taking as these 2 days, market is
> bullish. If 12, 13 still rally for celebrating Fed Rate Cut up to 0,25, I
> strongly suggest to be extra careful by 2nd Session.
> Above all, I believe nothing really matters.
> Dow is confirmed which indicates bullish both short and long term.
> Stock market in Europe, China, and Japan are also in positive area.
> This time can be beautiful momentum for both banking and property sector.
> Hope this is clear enough.
> Love,
> Aimee

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