Kerugian terbesar dr sub-prime itu bukan dr jumlah kreditnya sendiri - tapi dr transaksi derivatives (options, swap, credit derivatives, etc) yg sungguh luar-biasa besarnya (ruginya) <== resiko kredit/pasar - patut dipertanyakan kembali
Happy chuan, Aria _____ From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Landlord Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2007 2:01 PM To: Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Fwd: [stockinvestorsforum] Merrill says sell credit cards as recession appears more likely ML lagi mau borong barang2 murah akhir tahun, untuk menutup kerugian2 mereka yg ruarrrrr biasa dari subprime .. Caranya: dgn alat mutakhir yg ditangan mereka yaitu: Power to grade companies .. Skenario: Downgrade companies -> create market (panic) sell appetite -> buy cheap -> (Jan) Revise grading of those companies based on "current conditions" pada saat itu .. (Yawn ..) udah kuno dech taktik itu .. LL. From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dean Earwicker Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2007 12:10 PM To: Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fwd: [stockinvestorsforum] Merrill says sell credit cards as recession appears more likely ML juga lagi menyebar "terror" di US sana.. hihihi... Regards, DE ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> com> Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 16:06:33 (GMT) Subject: [stockinvestorsforum] Merrill says sell credit cards as recession appears more likely To: " <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]" <stockinvestorsforum <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> This story was sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> com with these comments: The Ratings Game Merrill says sell credit cards as recession appears more < aspx?guid=%7BCC6668F9%2D12C1%2D46DC%2DAB95%2D7C9373780B17%7D> likely Last Update: 10:56 AM ET Dec 7, 2007 NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Shares of three major credit card firms fell on Friday after Merrill Lynch analysts downgraded the companies to sell, saying they expect consumer spending to deteriorate and lead to a recession next year. ...Read the rest of the story < aspx?guid=%7BCC6668F9%2D12C1%2D46DC%2DAB95%2D7C9373780B17%7D> Most E-mailed Stocks likely to enjoy a bounce in early January < y.aspx?guid=%7B9A5044D1%2D14D1%2D4A88%2DAA12%2DB8A617F961E7%7D> As fan base wanes, pro horse players face longer odds of < uid=%7BAC349886%2D6E85%2D4BC8%2DA4C2%2D36D58B4DACAC%7D> cashing Will 'Golden Compass' controversy hurt film? < story.aspx?guid=%7BE1086C55%2DFE5A%2D45B5%2D843D%2D3D128F17C30C%7D> Five reasons you should stay centered on foreign stocks < px?guid=%7BAB8F2467%2D42C8%2D49EB%2D88EC%2D917401680F8D%7D> Another bear growls at China < guid=%7BBE1D3D10%2DB279%2D45BA%2DA1FC%2DF79796FB974D%7D> Worst CEO of the year < 849CF%2DA79F%2D4D6F%2D9568%2D6B0A2D37E471%7D> U.S. labor market stronger than expected in November < ry.aspx?guid=%7B79A79778%2D01E5%2D43D3%2D9DA2%2D739AED984788%7D> Questions and answers about the mortgage-rate freeze < -freeze/story.aspx?guid=%7BE34C3FD5%2D7A4E%2D40DD%2DAA11%2D87949A455778%7D> You can get free credit reports before mortgage shopping < id=%7B9C515C01%2D2309%2D4589%2DBC64%2D9B9CE65AE854%7D> Five ways to play your money in a slowing economy < guid=%7B3ECDD512%2DCD2C%2D4AAD%2D9E11%2D0A36F197C76C%7D> Questions? Click here <> to contact us. You were sent this article because your friend requested that it be sent to you. MarketWatch is a licensee of the TRUSTe Privacy Program. Copyright C 2005 MarketWatch, Inc. All rights reserved. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Service <> and Privacy Policy <> (updated 4/3/03). MarketWatch | Attn: Customer Service | 825 Battery Street | San Francisco | CA 94111