Kang Ocoy ajarin valuasi cangih nya dong,




From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of kang_ocoy_maen_saham
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 9:49 AM
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: kapan training nya Kang Ocoy?


Oom CC, orang jerman kan tuh banyak yg seneng musik absurd..
avantgarde lah.. nih Oom CC, Indonesia Bandung punya jg ada yg absurd2
tp gurih... 

http://www.edogm. <http://www.edogm.net/releases/edo019/index.html>

sila diunduh Oom CC.., frank zappa versi lebih "mistik" hehe

cocok buat temen trading liat bursa yg emang absurd..

emank kata orang jg kerjaan kita2 yg liatin angka en grafik2 bergerak
ini super-duper-absurd.

Btw Saya hari ini ga ikut nongkrong di OB dulu yah. ntar aga sorean
balik lg. ada urusan keluar dulu. yg janji tutorial valuasi td ntar
kalo sempet sore2an aja yah.

tengkiu semua.

--- In obrolan-bandar@ <mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com>
yahoogroups.com, "RATU SIMA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pagi Om, Tante, Eyang...
> FYI, I have put that training promo ad to trash and then from trash to
> permanently delete.
> It annoyed me much to the extent that they wrote in big bluish capital
> letters.
> Big letters like that should go for *'clown or circus show*' next
time yah
> Om.
> Complete with your circus costume, ball on your nose, and elephant.
> It's not eyecatching but making eyes become 'cataract'
> Meanwhile, the field is GREEN.
> While CG is happy, it's undeniably contagious to world market, esp.
> market.
> Can be good timing for stocks to rebound.
> CG in US is associated with banking, but will it affect Indonesian
banking &
> finance?
> *Doubt it...*
> **
> *US consumer index doesn't matter coz US people are highly
consumptive, esp.
> Christmas and New Year.*
> Clear things for me is some mining and agri sectors will take
advantage of
> this good time.
> *(ptba, bumi, pgas, inco, tins, antm, aali, unsp, plus bmri, nisp)*
> Will it index pass 2650, 2675? Let's see the show.
> *TLKM, ISAT?* How strong index doesn't matter, but most matter is *what
> really buffer index*.
> Om & Tante, Both suffered downgrade, esp. yesterday due to watching
Tema Sex
> Movie.
> But *ISAT* can also get up when the field is this green.
> PS:
> Om you like those musics yah? Did you watch Megadeth last time?
> I was there with DEATHCORE PARAGON community. Still awaiting
> hopefully next year.
> Uhm...
> Kiss me if i'm wrong. (KMIIW)
> Love,
> Aimee


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