Hi Aimee,

Elaine was a terrorist who used to carry a nuke bomb. She spread hatred
among us, including specifically to me, Rei and James - which made us SICK -
but after some fierce retaliation, she said goodbye and dissapeared along
with the ex-Singaporean Prime Minister. Recently there's a rumor that she
has switched gender and seen dressed like an Italian mobster, but quite
"medhok". Still it's just a rumor.

Pretty hillarious, I guess. Hehehe..


On Nov 23, 2007 8:26 PM, TerryAstradika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   nah lho pak CC!! tanggung jawab tuh!!
>  Mr. CC,
> Who is Elaine?
> Excuse me, I've just been joining for 1 month and not know all of people
> here.
> I've just graduated from college and spend my time investing.
> My Papa told me to learn from here coz he's too busy in a company.
> Can you tell me who elaine is and who is pedagang kentang. So weird name.
> Does it mean chip / blue chip trader?
> Uuuuh, clueless.
> Love,
> Aimee

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