ini kalo jaman dulu dah dibuatin pilem sama Sjumandjaja [Alm.]. kira kira 
judulnya 'Karisma Jawara' atawa 'Ocoy Sang Penakluk'

kalo sinetron sekarang mungkin jadi 'Cinta Bersemi di Milis'

wakakakakaka ;-)

eh berjuta juta maap ya Kang. bercanda lho.

Kang Ocoy emang karismanya luar biasa ;-) itu Ratu Sima sampai terkapar.

Ratu Sima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:                               Mr. Kang 
 Weird name but mommy says it's a queen in Kalingga Kingdom of Java...
 Are you married or single?
 Your article's so sweet and looooog sometimes. Bet you make a nice 
 sweet father and husband to your wife and kids, if any...
 Guess you're a PHD.
 For newbies, why not start with few lots in good stocks...
 As old saying says 'dikit dikit lama-lama jadi bukit'...
 Courage n confident is important...
 So, go to buy ANTM, BUMI, BBRI, BBCA, or other growth stocks and they 
 grow and grow... each few lots.
 KMIIW (kiss me if i'm wrong)

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