Dear all, Pak Trader ini dari kemaren2 teriak2 minta MIRA cepet2 dijual, gak mungkin diatas 500 lah, atau diatas 600 lah dst. Karena saya curios, coba2 liat chartnya dll. Akhirnya saya beli dibawah harga right Eh, ternyata kok ya tambah naik. Tapi karena belinya sedikit2 jadi hokinya juga sedikit Nanti deh jualnya kalau sudah AR hari ini, atau berapa aja jam 4 kurang 1 menit. Mungkin Pak Trader ini aliasnya Om Jack, "contrarian" Anyway, thanks ya om Trader. Your posting has inspired me, in this mess market. Just try to find opportunity AA
sri yanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: kalo gak tau info..jangan sok tau deh......palingan pada cuttloss dibawah kan kemaren ....makanya kalo beli saham..liat bisnisnya, jangan asal pada beli ajah. kumpulin informasi...baru masuk...tu disekuritas gw ada seabrek prospektus MIRA....kalo mo ambil ajah, baca yang bener baru beli......HORE MIRA.... tuangede <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The ride is heavier now right? What can you do? Somebody knows about your plan.... --- In, "BEJ Trader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Dear Folks, > > I've been watching MIRA for few days.....and > the result is the company DOES NOT have enough money > to BRING the price UP. tomorrow will be a GREAT DISASTER... > the price will go down below 600. > TODAY, BIG PLAYER out from MIRA, including ME (XL). > SEE the TOP SELLER, CM, they should be the STAND BY BUYER, > but they sold their stocks during these few days....WHY ? > BCOZ NOT ENOUGH MONEY.... > > Regards, > MIRA BIG PLAYER > --------------------------------- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. --------------------------------- Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.