--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Efendi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Target Price of Antam Shares IDR8,500  
> ---------------------------------
>     Wednesday, 21 November 2007  10:30:50
> StockWatch (Jakarta) - Shares of state mining company PT  Aneka 
tambang Tbk (ANTM) are expected to rise at target price of IDR8,500 
in the  next 12 months based on the corporate actions which the 
company is going to  take.
> BNI Securities' analyst Norico Gaman said that based on the  
valuation, the company has excellent business condition that will 
lead the  shares to increase in the time to come. ANTM currently 
trades at dengan P/E of  8.5x based on the 2007 net profit projection 
and 8.1x based on the 2008 net  profit projection.
> Norico Gaman said Aneka Tambang (Antam) is making an  evaluation in 
an effort to buy 7% stake of NTT, for which Antam has received a  
commitment from three national banks to provide loan of totally 
US$1.25 billion.  Besides, the company ahs received support from the 
State Enterprise Ministry to  acquire NTT. 
> The analyst said the acquisition will strengthen Antam's  business, 
and besides, the company is expected to increase gold production by  
acquiring a gold mining firm while producing nickel and bauxite. That 
is why,  when the acquisition plan is implemented the company will 
have a higher  value.
> He said further that Antam's revenue and net profit are likely to  
have a strong growth along with increasing prices of mining 
commodities and the  company's higher sales volume.
> Meanwhile, Asia's economic growth is  expected to help boost 
Antam's business growth amid increasing demands for  mining products 
from Asian countries like China, India, Soutj Korea, Taiwan and  
Japan. (esta/bud)

  Dapat satu dukungan lagi, bahwa ANTM bisa capai Rp. 8500
  di 2008. Kalau mulai beli saat ini, keuntungan hampir 
  100% didepan mata di 2008. 
  Kami masih kasih TP di Rp. 8000, tapi ada yg kasih lebih
  tinggi lagi di Rp. 8500. Siapa tahu minggu depan ada sekuritas
  asing kasih lebih tinggi lagi.

> ---------------------------------
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