Dear all,

This is my first email in these forums, so... hi to all of you.

I just got out from Indo Tambangraya Public Expose; the quality of the
information provided and the attitude of the presenters made me sick.
Despite the thick prospectus, the company & underwriter:

1) Provide next-to-nothing information on how the price was derived
at.  Bapak Agung Prabowo, representing UBS, the underwriter, in
response to the audience questions, said "We provide detailed
information in the Prospectus.  We believe you can do your own
calculation".  A rather arrogant response.

2) Even though it was provided on screen as a presentation, they did
not provide any handout.  The presentation discusses the company's
performance and industry situation that will allow us to understand
the company more easily (and compare it with others in its industry).

I am sure that when those guys go on roadshows, they would provide
more information than what they give us (local investors).  Also, they
would provide straight answers rather than what pak Agung gave during
the public expose.  It is demeaning to be treated as such.

So, I propose that we form some sort of capital market transparency
committee/group that promotes transparency (it is also in our best
interest, right?) - perhaps coordinated by the
leaders/moderators/activits of obrolan-bandar and saham mailing
groups.  Such committee would function as our voice to the those
(arrogant) companies and underwriters.  Also, we can use the committee
to ask questions directly to the issuers/companies.  If done
correctly, I am sure we will get the support from Bapepam, BEJ and
other authorities.

What do you think?


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