Waduh, Taman Lawang....
udah upgrade blon tuh tempat?
itu tempat ngider kalo dah keabisan ide buat ngabisin bensin jaman sekolah 
dulu, hihihihi......
eits, no judgement pls, karena saya udah kapok. Pernah kap mobil didudukin sama 
salah satu 'penduduk' sana, jadi gak bisa jalan. Dan temen2 semobil gak ada 
yang berani negur, karena takut dicubit. hihihihihihi
Mending nonton ini aja deh, lebih menghibur. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Frendy Chandra 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 10:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] If I could I would..

  sometimes, tourist wants to visit TAMAN LAWANG,
  I have ever seen a WESTERN GUY "playing" with the transxxx......
  i have a friend called mey mey at taman lawang, "she" is the most beautiful 
  just friend, i have NEVER done anything there.....
  if anybody here wants to visit TAMAN LAWANG, just looking for 
  don't call me freak....i just share some information for anybody who curious 
about TL here.......

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: bregeek sastro 
    To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
    Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 9:30 AM
    Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] If I could I would..

    you'd better don't come to taman lawang...

    --- Bettina Tan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    > One line or two lines it do not matter. I just want
    > to share with you the
    > indication of the market movement without breaking
    > my professional code of
    > conduct. I just can't tell you the method I used to
    > predict the market
    > movement. Believe me that if I could I would.
    > Sometimes I am right but
    > another time maybe I am wrong. My colleagues keep
    > telling me.. that's life.
    > If someone ask me if I am a swing trader I really do
    > not have any
    > definitions of what the method I used. But I already
    > share with you of the
    > indication of today's market yesterday. Whether you
    > follow me or not it's
    > really up to you. Once again I could be right or
    > wrong and that if I could I
    > would..
    > But I have something to ask.. what Taman Lawang
    > actually is? Is it a garden
    > city or a (I'm sorry) hooker place? Just wanna know
    > sometimes I go to
    > Jakarta I want to see that place.

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