Ok, let’s see the big picture, shall we?


Which one do we like? Blue, Yellow, or Red? I think it’s blue. Some think
it’s yellow, while the rest think it’s red.

SO.. nobody knows exactly what’s gonna happen in the future, and time will
tell. Soon.










-----Original Message-----
From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of James Arifin
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2007 11:36 AM
Cc: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] Analisa DE : Senin hammer


mau gimana pun indeks mau naik turun silakan cek apakah pergerakan

saham per saham mengikuti indeks, ada beberapa saham yg nggak. Grafik

DE bisa digunakan buat saham2 yg gerakannya mengikuti indeks ...

sekarang jaman lagi susah BOZZ pentungannya ada yang PATAH ... kena

gebuk MBAH heheheh

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