Actually I have no idea. Yeah perhaps market will have correction someday
next week, but it's normal and acceptable, since we have a quite long rally


If you mean we're gonna have another crash, well I don't think so, except
Bernanke speech today doesn't meet market expectation, badly. Even so, Asia
& Europe market has started to ignore a little bit on what happen in US.


>From my view, Lippo group has minimal impact on overall market. Nobody cares
about them anyway except themself.


When I come to think of it, the main idea of "recession" is pointing not to
US, but China. That's what they want. If china falls, we're all dead.


But China  - I believe - is very strong.






From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Lee Cwan Yeuw
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] 2 MR DE


history ...when  lippo group jump/

the market will down ????

How about you Mr DE ?

----- Original Message ----
From: Oskar Syahbana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 31 August 2007 12:10:37
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW vs IHSG

Hehehe good joke mr dean. Emang kemarin itu dow memang enak untuk di
daytrade :-). Now will the bernanke speech make the bear loose more
than just a ball?? Heheh, we'll see

On 8/31/07, Dean Earwicker <dean.earwicker@
<> > wrote:
> bullbear.gif
> BEAR: Hahahaha. give me your stocks....
> BULL: Jantjook .!!
> "CROT!!"
> BEAR: .ugh.. my balls.
> Regards,
> DE

Oskar Syahbana
http://permagnus. com/ <>  -- A Financial site with a
human touch
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