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  Ada yang bisa kasih ulasan mengenai MTDL  ???
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      Metrodata to Enter Telecom Business 
        Thursday, 23 August 2007 16:06:32
StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk (MTDL) has planned to enter 
telecommunication business, Ciptadana Sekuritas said in a report of research 
today (23/8) in Jakarta.

According to the securities firm, the company will aim at three market segments 
namely the end users, telecommunication operators and telecommunication 
infrastructure provider. Ciptadana said Metrodata is optimistic the new 
business will have a significant contribution for the company's revenue.

Metrodata Electronics which distributes various computers and their peripherals 
including the maintenance, booked revenue of IDR1.020 trillion as of June 2007, 
rising by 46.18% from IDR697.763 billion in the same period of 2006. 

The total revenue was contributed by sales of computer hardware which was worth 
IDR773.444 billion, revenue from service IDR127.159 billion and sales of 
computer sotfware that reached IDR119.473 billion. (dwi/bud)

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