Kalo masalah konsesi cuma seorang eselon 1 saja ada yg mau take back. Tapi saya tahu sendiri Menteri Purnomo nggak mau cabut konsesi seenak perut. Menteri yg satu ini pernah kerja di Total Indonesie, PMA energi prancis. Dan dia saya yakin betul sangat liberal kapitalis dalam hal ekonomi. Pak Purnomo selalu hati2 ambil keputusan sama dgn bosnya. Ingat masalah KOBATIN pelanggaran separah itu saja dibiarkan. Output INCO naik q2 17%, saya secara reguler ikut RUPS INCO , dan sejak RUPSLB tahun ini suah ada rencana genjot output dgn datangkan generator diesel. Jangan seenaknya ngomong BULLSHIT kalo mba Bettina juga mau ngebullshit. Jadi lebih bau tahi dong! Lagipula saya ngomong INCO murah karena murah undervalued stock....tanpa growth s/d middle term....long term "KALO MEMANG" berita di bawah benar berarti bakal bagus. Masalah pemegang saham INCO , memang kontroler sudah CVRD (ini diberita yg salah) Kalo Pak Arif dikeempatan apa dia ngomong...ohh saya tahu bapak satu ini sering obral statement ke reporter yg kadang dibantah sendiri .......!
budi machribie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Bravo ini baru namanya macan betina .:) sering2 beri pencerahan bagi kami2 yang lugu permainan busuk --------------------------------- From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bettina Tan Sent: 02 Agustus 2007 20:28 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Inco Unit to Build 2 New Nickel Plants Be careful guys.. many of the fact in this news are not correct. Canadian [Brazillian] nickel miner Inco Ltd.'s [CVRD Inco] Indonesia unit plans to build two new nickel plants on Sulawesi island at a cost of $2.5 billion, an Indonesia executive said Thursday [Who the hell is he?]. "We expect to start building the plants next year in an effort to increase our nickel output to 300 million pounds by 2016," said Arif Siregar, chief executive of PT International Nickel Indonesia, or PT Inco. [In what occasion, where, when did he say that? Is this another shit or what, even Karebbe Dam has not been finished yet, pulverized coal project has just been in feasibility studies for years! Pomalaa concession is in problem and possible to be taken back by RI government, Bahodopi concession are also the same, leeching technology, they call it HPAL has not been completed. Another 2 plants? I do not believe it] The Indonesian company's nickel output this year is expected to be 165 million pounds [stagnan output with decreasing price of nickel? This year profit expected to be lower than last year.. ] . Arif said PT Inco, 61 [72 if I am not mistaken] percent owned by its Canadian [Brazilian] parent, will launch an engineering study in September to decide the financing structure for the development of the plants. [What could I say then.. it is bullshit] On 8/2/07, Eka Suwandana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Wah wah wah saham ini bisa buat anak cucu juga! Inco Unit to Build 2 New Nickel Plants Thursday August 2, 4:24 am ET Indonesian Unit of Inco to Build 2 New Nickel Plants on Sulawesi Island for $2.5 Billion JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Canadian nickel miner Inco Ltd.'s Indonesia unit plans to build two new nickel plants on Sulawesi island at a cost of $2.5 billion, an Indonesia executive said Thursday. "We expect to start building the plants next year in an effort to increase our nickel output to 300 million pounds by 2016," said Arif Siregar, chief executive of PT International Nickel Indonesia, or PT Inco. The Indonesian company's nickel output this year is expected to be 165 million pounds. Arif said PT Inco, 61 percent owned by its Canadian parent, will launch an engineering study in September to decide the financing structure for the development of the plants. No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.11.2/931 - Release Date: 01/08/2007 16:53 No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.11.2/931 - Release Date: 01/08/2007 16:53