Growth jadi more or less sama dgn ANTM walaupun antm horizon nggak jauh2 amat. 
Tapi costnya betul2 efisien.  

Sutomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Memang mantap....bandingan keuntungan INCO 
tahun ini
paling ngga sama dengan profit BCA + MANDIRI + BRI !!
...bener bener mantap!!!. Apa lagi kalau nanti
terwujud produksinya 300 juta pound. untung sudah
nyimpen dari kemaren2 ..dan masi ngiler liat harga
saat ini di 55000 an 

--- Eka Suwandana wrote:

> Wah wah wah saham ini bisa buat anak cucu juga!
> Inco Unit to Build 2 New Nickel Plants
> Thursday August 2, 4:24 am ET 
> Indonesian Unit of Inco to Build 2 New
> Nickel Plants on Sulawesi Island for $2.5 Billion 
> JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Canadian nickel miner
> Inco Ltd.'s Indonesia unit plans to build two new
> nickel plants on Sulawesi island at a cost of $2.5
> billion, an Indonesia executive said Thursday. "We
> expect to start building the plants next year in an
> effort to increase our nickel output to 300 million
> pounds by 2016," said Arif Siregar, chief executive
> of PT International Nickel Indonesia, or PT Inco. 
> The Indonesian company's nickel output this year is
> expected to be 165 million pounds. Arif said PT
> Inco, 61 percent owned by its Canadian parent, will
> launch an engineering study in September to decide
> the financing structure for the development of the
> plants. 

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