buang separuh Pak, avg cost saya di 3380, yg margin dan harga tinggi, jual untung, hanya sebagian paper profit ilang,LPKR masih sit tight, jika badai udah reda , go for jugular LPKR at 1830,rgds
James Arifin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Kemarin ada yang ajak average up BMRI di 3775-3800, kira2 ada yang ikutan beli di level itu nggak yah 3775-3800, mestinya sudah cut loss kalau nggak bisa frustasi tuh kl BMRI balik ke 3000an. Pak Busur masih sit tight and hold BMRI nya atau sudah cut profit. Mestinya sih sudah cut profit. On 7/27/07, p4n k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Kawan2, ada apa dengan BMRI ini? Bukannya laporan keuangan semester ini Biru, kok sahamnya MERAH -MERAHAN. Mohon pencerahan para suhu2. Joe Grunk < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Indonesia's Bank Mandiri still aiming for 10-20 pct loan growth for 2007 JAKARTA (Thomson Financial) - Indonesia's biggest lender PT Bank Mandiri said Thursday it is still aiming for a 10-20 percent loan growth this year as it anticipates higher loan demand in the second half. As of end June, Bank Mandiri's outstanding loans amounted to 116.3 trillion rupiah, up 7.9 percent from a year ago but lower compared to 117.7 trillion at end-2006. "With falling interest rates, we expect loans to grow faster in the second half, especially loans to small and medium enterprises, plantations and the infrastructure sectors," Bank Mandiri president Agus Martowardoyo told reporters. He said Bank Mandiri's loan commitment for infrastructure projects, for example, currently amounts to 10.4 trillion rupiah, and the bank is just waiting for the borrowers to draw down the loans. (1 US dollar = 9,084 rupiah) [EMAIL PROTECTED] alo/rk ab/zr MMMM RPV49-26Jul07 11:33 GMT --------------------------------- Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool. --------------------------------- Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool. --------------------------------- Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.