Ok Pak Jul... tku yah.....

julyanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  Hello ani,
 Filmnya berjudul "Pursuit to Happyness"
 yes, with "y" that's the title.
 sudah lama rasanya ini film beredar, cari aja dvdnya rasanya ada kok.
 Thursday, July 26, 2007, 7:15:09 PM, you wrote:
 > Mo tanya...filmnya baru bredar apa udah lama???
 > julyanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > This is really a good film, worthed to watch...
 >  based on the true story, wah saya nontonnya sampe berlinang air mata
 >  lo heheeh... :)
 >  engga cuman karena will smith nya, tapi emang yang namanya true story
 >  itu emang punya kekuatan sendiri. that's real man.
 Best regards,
  julyanto                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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