hold tight, TRUBers, we got a long and winding road ahead hehehe

On 7/3/07, budi suryono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  buy back yesterday pak,with a jugular size,hoping for rally tod.rgds

*aditya hardianto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

 Wah, pak busur dah keluar ya? saya masih inget kita dulu masuknya hampir
sama2 ( around 700 ya?) niy udah agak dag dig dug jg megangnya, makanya dah
mulai jualan tapi dikit2 aja. TP hampir sama ma pak jeky, 1600an, mudah2an
tercapai, amin.
Good luck to all TRUB fans, trend really our good friends.. ^_^

*jeky wilopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

 thanks to all senior who gives me best advice! barang masih saya pegangi
sampai pemberhentian pertama di 1650...saya juga rencana mau avg up di harga
keep in touch and happy cuan!

*budi suryono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

 betul kalau ada barang hold aja,ato sedikit avg up di 1470-80an.syasendiri 
udah keluar,karena gak bisa monitor harga, consider buy back senin
di 1470-80an, sya lihat ada small consolidation seminggu ini dilevel

*Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

 pak jeky,
why should you let go a stock that still building its base and
sustaining the new high position? hari ini masih akumulasi pelan2 di

saran saya, support minggu ini ada di 1410 which is its lowest (dan
turun pun dgn volume tipis), selama blom turun disitu sebaiknya hold
tight karena saham ini kelihatannya lagi konsolidasi singkat dengan
trading range 1410-1450, biasanya break new high-nya sangat mendadak,
dan bisa langsung menuju 1500 sebelum building its new base

kalau dilihat dari long term trend line-nya pun masih menunjukkan kenaikan

disclaimer lho pak
salam cuan :)

On 6/29/07, jeky wilopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <jeky_wilopo%40yahoo.com>>
> bgmn mengenai TRUB pak budi? hold tight or let them go?

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