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JSX to Conclude Examination of Agis 



Wednesday, 27 June 2007 09:01:50
StockWatch (Jakarta) - The Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) will finalize soon
the examination of 16 brokers involved in the plunge of PT Agis Tbk's shares
(TMPI) and submit the result of examination to the Capital market
Supervisory Board (Bapepam) next week.

"We have examined the 16 brokers, but we cannot disclose the result.
Hopefully we could bring it to Bapepam next week (July)," JSX director for
supervision, Justitia Tripurwasani, said yesterday (26/6) in Jakarta.

Tripurwasani said the examination of the 16 brokers has been done since they
have involved in unfair transaction of Agis, but she did not mention if the
transaction is categorized as insider trading. "I cannot mention the
substance, but for sure there's been an unfair transaction," she affirmed.

As reported before, JSX has examined the brokers since June 11 because - as
cited by JSX president Erry Firmansyah at that time - they have been the
most active brokers in conducting the trading of TMPI. 

The 16 brokers conducting most active selling are Anugerah Securindo,
Ciptamahadhika Mandiri, Sarijaya Permana Sekuritas, Phillip Securities, KUO
Capital Rahardja, Mahakarya Artha Securities, Trimegah Securities, E-Trading
Securiteis, Kim Eng Securities, Mandiri Sekuritas, Republic Securities,
Henan Putihrai, Harumdana Sekuritas, UOB Kay Hian Securities, CIMB GK
Securities and Danpac Securities.

Based on the report, TMPI surged on Monday (4/6) from IDR3,750 per share at
IDR4,650, but in minutes before the closing the stock plunged at IDR2,950
per share. Soon JSX asked the exchange members (securities firms) to be
cautious since the stock price movement has been an anomaly, and then
imposed a suspension in Tuesday's (5/6) trading. (sup/bud)

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