saya juga nih....MNCN buy di 380 cmn dpt 2 lot padahal sempat offer
bisa minta ganti rugi ga ya?...widhtdraw juga kagak bisa...

--- In, David Nurmi Octavian <david...@...> 
> Sama saya juga.....hots
> Thanks And Best Regards,
> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of er1ck
> Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 9:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: [ob] HOTS ERROR?
> ada yg ngalamin? sending order pagi2x tadi msh status send sampe skrg ? antm 
> saya harusanya done di 2475 sampe skrg masih posisi sending 'menggantung' ? 
> sptnya lg error nih HOTS ?
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