IHSG is just closed at 2845. Weekend is ahead. Read good story can make us fresh more. Berikut ini kumpulan kisah fiksi mengenai romantika hidup sekelompok anak Indonesia yang mempunyai cita-cita tinggi dan mimpi gila dalam bersaing meraih yang terbaik dalam kancah dunia keuangan global. Tokoh utama adalah Nicholas Mangaratua (Nick), investment banker, dengan setting cerita utama ada di Asia, terutama di Jepang dan Indonesia. Aku ikuti terus cerita ini, yang update 1X seminggu dari penulisnya. Terakhir adalah scene 12. Lumayan bikin refresh. I think, masih jarang kisah fiksi dengan setting background dunia keuangan, so i share this stories. Hope you all like it. So, enjoy your reading and have a nice weekend :) xDewiX
Scene 12: "It's not always rainbows and butterflies" <http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?210-Scene-12-It-s-not-always-\ rainbows-and-butterflies> Scene 11: Dream Superstar <http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?203-Scene-11-Dream-Superstar> Scene 10: 2 Hours of Chaotic Mind <%20http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?195-Scene-10-2-Hours-of-Ch\ aotic-Mind> Scene 09: TELL ME WHY (i don't like mondays) <%20http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?182-Scene-09-TELL-ME-WHY-%\ 28i-don-t-like-mondays%29> Scene 08: ..never BURN the bridges.. <%20http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?156-Scene-08-never-BURN-th\ e-bridges> Scene 07: BULL or BEAR..we make money (and eat RAMEN)!!! <%20http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?114-Scene-07-BULL-or-BEAR-\ we-make-money-%28and-eat-RAMEN%29%21%21%21> Scene 06: Sore wa uso da yo..(that's a lie..) <%20http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?93-Scene-06-Sore-wa-uso-da\ -yo-%28that-s-a-lie-%29> Scene 05: TGIF <%20http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?82-Scene-05-TGIF> Scene 04: What? Golden Week? <http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?66-Scene-04-What-Golden-Week> Scene 03: Come what may.. <%20http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?54-Scene-03-Come-what-may> Scene 02: The sexiest part of human body: BRAIN <%20http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?36-Scene-02-The-sexiest-pa\ rt-of-human-body-BRAIN> Scene 01: A lil' bit of this..a lil' bit of that.. <http://www.financeindonesia.org/entry.php?15-Scene-01-A-lil-bit-of-this\ -a-lil-bit-of-that>