Mungkin artinya PTBA sedang rally koreksi ABC di wave 4 kecuali bisa menembus 
peak 18600 maka rally lain yg sedang terjadi (the end of corrective wave) . 
Maaf pak Rei kalo salah, nebak aja hehehe


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-----Original Message-----
From: Rei <>
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 19:48:49 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [ob] Point Of View - PTBA.JK - A high from Mercury and Venus 
        Ingress to Taurus

Pak KC, artinya apa? Sorry baru sempat baca. Thanks.

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 12:32 AM, Kwee Cheng <> wrote:

> Wednesday, 31 March 2010 23:49
> PTBA.JK **Short term movement Forecast*
>  *The end of ABC corrective rally or something else?*
> **
> *Comment*
> [image: PTBA.JK]
> Now we have to decide whether PTBA.JK will continue its rally or stop
> it today, Thursday Apr 1st, 2010. Since weekly trend was showing that
> PTBA.JK may moves in wave 4, so we have to concern that this upside movement
> is possible an ABC corrective rally, unless the highest peak (18.600) has
> been overlapped. If that happened something else is forming instead of the
> ABC corrective rally.
> HERE<>
> Salam Kasih
> Gema
> ------------------------------
> Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!
> <>

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