Dear Mbah yg baik Mohon gambar BUMI di update. Salam Hangat
2010/3/25 jsx_consultant <> > > > BUMI Technical Update: EPA and ETA > > > > - Jika garis 3BD bisa ditembus keatas maka Contracting Triangle > ABCDE batal dan BUMI membentuk awal Wave 5 dengan > target 3100 (EPA) pada awal Juni (ETA) > - Jika BUMI jatuh dibawah garis ACE, Embah janji akan berhenti > ngomong B7 sampe BUMI naik LAGI diatas garis ACE. > > Worksheet/Formula: > - Point B is a top. > - Point C point is the bottom of the first decline. > - Point A is the bottom prior to point B (top), that C has > surpassed. > - Point D is the top of the rally after point C. > - Point E point is the bottom after point D and is likely to > exceed the extended trend line of A to C. This is the entry > point for a ride to the EPA line (A to D). > - Estimated Price at Arrival (EPA) is trend line of A to D at > apex of extended trend line of A to C and extended trend line > of B to D. > - Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) is apex of extended trend line > of A to C and B to D > > >