Agree on BW's and Soros' business principle, but not on stock selection as 
you've mentioned it. 

There are many others GOOD Coal Companies such as: ADRO, ITMG, PTBA and UNTR to 
be selected as coal stocks PREFERENCE.
Sent from  ‎​  Jαçðß ‎​™

-----Original Message-----
From: "Bumi" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 01:47:07 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] Re: OOT : SOROS .....emang hebat!!!

--- In, Jacob® <rxbk1...@...> wrote:
> Pak t_bumi,
> The news which you attached below was published on *Last Updated:
> 24, 2008 16:18 EST* , it had been out of date. Some might be still
> and some might NOT be relevant anymore especially Bumi with its CA
> (corporate actions) that always creating full of DOUBT and questions
> puclic investors.
> Ada yang bilang "Don't trust anyone except yourself" if they are full
> VESTED interest.
> hehe........

Sip : tbumi

Jangan lupa, Soros adalah investor LT dan bukanlah trader.

Seandainya BUMI secara fundamental tak bagus, maka Soros tak mungkin
bawa dananya utk investasi

ke BUMI.

Percaya diri itu yg diutamakan dan bukanlah gosip ini itu. Bila mau
berhasil di investasi saham, maka

selalu ikuti teknik seperti W. Buffet dan Soros. Saham yg mereka beli,
tentu sudah di tinjau / dianalisa

secara keseluruhan  fundamental tsb oleh para ahli team analisa mereka
yg ada di luar negeri.

Jarang sekali analisa mereka gagal, makanya kedua orang tsb bisa jadi
orang terkaya didunia.

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