Pak t_bumi, What about ADRO?
Should I sell ADRO and buy BUMI.? ADRO is very TIRING, BORING and IRITATING for a last couple of weeks....apalagi kalau dilihat last munite..sih FS (AmCapital) selalu aja buang di bid. What's right with this Stock and FS? ________________________________ From: t_bumi <> To: Sent: Thu, March 4, 2010 11:06:37 AM Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Cermati BUMI --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Vincent Chase <chase.vincent@ ...> wrote: > > akhir bulan bumi menuju 3000 yah bener 3000 sdr sdr > >Sip : tbumi Bila tak ada batubara dari BUMI, maka India akan gelap gulita. Tenaga listrik India saat ini di monopoli oleh Tata, maka Tata akan meningkatkan import batubara dari BUMI.