Pak DE, coba saya bantu ya. Kalau pisces, saran saya hindari saham2
CPO, bahaya untuk pisces. :)
Saham yang cocok, saham yang berada di perairan maupun saham2 yang
tidak mengandung unsur api seperti perbankan, misalnya.


On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Dean Earwicker
<> wrote:
> Pak KC, saya pisces, kira-kira saham apa yang cocok buat saya...? Terima 
> kasih pak.
> Regards,
> DE
> 2010/2/19 Kwee Cheng <>
>> With some fairly negative astrological aspects leading up to the trading 
>> week ahead of us, I expect things to get off to a slow start. However, the 
>> markets in the U.S. will be closed on Monday, February 15, for the 
>> Presidents' Day holiday, so it's possible that they will dodge the bearish 
>> bullet thanks to the extended weekend, with some slightly bullish influences 
>> kicking in on Tuesday, February 16.

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